The platform for all your resources

Configure, manage and deactivate employee resources in a single platform.

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pyla schema platform page

Centralized resources

Your business applications, your equipment, your badge... all your resources and associated administrators are centralised in a single platform.

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List of all resources

Overview to control investments.

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Group your employees by profile

Hardware and software are allocated to employees according to their team, role, office, etc.

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View the equipment of each employee

To ensure that everyone has all the resources they need, even in the home office.

Save time with every employee arrival and departure


Automated requests

Each administrator receives by email & in Pyla his own list of tasks with associated deadlines.


Automatic reminders

Reminders are sent automatically to the resource administrators.



At each employee movement (onboarding, internal mobility, offboarding), the progress of the requests is visible to the administrator, the manager and the recruiter.

Controlling your costs & risks

Monitoring of investments

Access a view of all your resources and associated staff. Control your expenses by rationalising your purchases of licences and equipment

Data security

Define resource allocation rules and control access to sensitive company data until the employee leaves.

ISO27001 and RGPD compliance

Ensure data governance with this global view of your resources and streamlined access.

Ready to get started?

Automate your resource management and improve the employee experience with Pyla.

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